A Lifelong Obsession
I’ve loved photography my whole life. I remember getting snowed in when I was in 5th grade and going out into the snow covered woods and learning how to use an old, 35mm film camera. I figured if those pictures turned out alright, maybe I wasn’t so bad at this. Much later, I started a career in machining and saw the beauty there, as well - maybe even when most others didn’t. For the past several years I’ve completely renewed my interest and dedicated all of my spare time to improving my skills.

Constant Improvements
When an old, family friend with half a century of photography experience suggested I might be improving enough to look into getting a full frame camera, I suppose I began my journey of photographic improvement. With his guidance, I ended up purchasing a used Canon 5D (original or Mark I), but my research has never ended. I’ve since stepped up to a Sony a7rII and now an a7rIV.

"From professional, standard photography to fine art like you’ve never seen!"
— someone, eventually

My Own
Since I started getting serious (and didn’t always feel I had the largest selection of subject matter), I’ve been developing ways of trying to make even “mundane” images look interesting. This technique has evolved into its own unique style that I’ve yet to see replicated. I no longer try to use pictures I consider “bad” for one thing but I also try to add my own artistic (maybe emotional) interpretation “in-between the lines” of film. With my most heavily “modified” images, people (and algorithms alike) often confuse my work for a painting, or something else entirely, aside from a photograph. This would be understandable but incorrect as I always not only use my own, unique pic as the base, but every addition. All my work is one photograph, sometimes with an uncommon take upon itself…